FUGA FUTURA is a force of nature. Livia Rita weaves mystic eco-pop, creatural delight and future-oriented visuals to cast a spell for otherworldly connection.
RElease date: Friday 7th October
Press photos - Live Show photos - Youtube Channel - Instagram - Bandcamp - Spotify - liv@liviarita.com - +44 7549 245499 / +41 77 259 78 48
The creature Metamorphosis
Each FUGA FUTURA song’s essence is physicalised in a creature. For each of these creatures, Livia Rita has designed and crafted an ArtFashion collection. All of them together form the CREATURE METAMORPHOSIS.
FUGA FUTURA debut Album
De la tendresse humaine à la déviance cosmique, Livia Rita chante un futur alternatif. Son nouvel album célèbre les angoisses, les ambitions et lesdésirs d'avenir ; et revendique le futur comme un espace de rêves, à la fois dystopiques et utopiques, aux limites de l'existence. Livia Rita vous invite à recomposer vos rêves, qu’ils soient plus éthérés, plus surhumains, plus étranges qu’ils n’étaient auparavant. FUGA FUTURA fluctue et vous invite à accepter le changement et la versatilité. Devenez créature avec nous. Rejoignez notre communauté inter-espèces.
Chaque chanson de l'album a l'essence d'une créature, ce qui représente le voyage de transformation qui se produit au cours d'une vie. FUGA FUTURA célèbre la métamorphose, car sortir d'un cocon est à la fois terrifiant et inévitable, pour que les entités organiques et non-organiques se rencontrent. Notre évolution vers un futur inquiétant nécessite une expérimentation radicale et une quête de la vie au-delà des normes. Dans cet univers, Livia Rita propose des cartes de jeu, des parfums, de l'ArtFashion et des sortilèges : la musique n'a jamais été aussi multi-dimensionnelle.
"Nous avons enregistré pendant les jours les plus chauds de l'été en Europe continentale, nous avons enregistré en hiver dans des montagnes idylliques, nous avons enregistré à Londres dans des nuits tardives après des journées bien remplies.... Nous avons enregistré en nomades, en logeant dans les appartements d'autres personnes qui étaient en vacances, dans le grenier d'une maison où j'ai grandi, lors de résidences. J'ai écrit les mélodies en me promenant dans différents paysages d'Europe, au bord de l'océan, dans les montagnes, tôt le matin dans les parcs des villes. Nous avons écrit pendant des moments de crise, de problèmes de santé mentale, mais avec une excitation inébranlable pour le futur..." FUGA FUTURA se guérit dans la nature après avoir atteint sa maturité.
Cet album marque un point de passage entre deux mondes. Embrassez la brume glitchy et existentielle de FUGA FUTURA, où l’onde éthérée rencontre l'éco-pop mystique, le kuschelrock dystopique et le hardrock utopique. Rêvez plus grand ; déléctez-vous de l'étrange.
Bio Livia Rita
Livia Rita is an alpine witch and soft nature creature based everywhere between the alps and London. They sing, choreograph, design and create visuals and film with an inexhaustible devotion to a progressive way of thinking. Their mystic eco-pop melodies have expanded into the bountiful conceptual debut album, FUGA FUTURA, a place of healing through dark fantasy, where nature rebels and magic abounds in an attempt to unite otherworldly bodies. In Livia Rita’s practice, humans shed their humanness to become something creatural: everything she creates responds to the lively nature of interdependent beings.
Livia Rita’s vision for sound offers an intuitive, sensual odyssey towards something more alive, more hopeful, than our current state of things. Blending elements of electronica and maths rock with an avant-garde aesthetic, her music is at once an invitation to intimacy and a call for utopian disruption. This genre-defying sound runs riot between magical synths and dreamy vocals.
Their output includes performances, ArtFashion, dance and lively ephemera, such as the FUTURA SPELLBOOK and CREATURE METAMORPHOSIS game cards. Livia Rita’s work builds towards a queer mythology; fantasies are moulded and shared; identities shift and shimmer. Their multidisciplinary expression embodies an ambitious search for new beings capable of fearlessly reinventing themselves. Nature is central to Livia Rita’s craft: her relationship to it is one grounded in curiosity, wonder and speculative care. By engaging with both utopian and dystopian visions, Livia Rita nurtures the weird – the otherworldly – in all of us. In her practice, she pursues deeper climate awareness by placing emphasis on otherness, highlighting the strange beauty of the other-than-human.
Together with the Avantgardeners Collective, Livia Rita is manifesting her transdimensional dream of the future. Her aim is to create a new environment for all the beings mired in the inertia of quotidian life. In an interview with SPAM in 2021, Livia Rita observed: “I think dreaming and real life are two such separated entities. And I find that creating or being creative is very much a bridge between the two. Forgetting about time, getting absorbed, body and mind get carried away, I think that act feels utopian to me to a degree. And specifically, with the in-between world FUTURA, home of all creatures and spells, it’s the idea that it’s a layer put upon reality.” SPAM’s response? What better antidote for our collective inertia than Livia Rita’s strange, disjointed hallucination.
Join her in this dizzying, tremendous act of worldbuilding.
Press photos - Live Show photos - Youtube Channel - Instagram - Bandcamp - Spotify - liv@liviarita.com - +44 7549 245499 / +41 77 259 78 48
RElease weekend: Chairlift Performance
Join us as we take to the skies to celebrate the album release! At an old ski lift, an audience will float across sound and ArtFashion creatures in the rural alpine valley where Livia Rita grew up. Wolzenalp Krummenau, 24th & 25th September. 12-1pm CET. We will live stream from the air.
Images of an early attempt during Corona
FUGA FUTURA spellbook
The Spellbook contains all the lyrics of the FUGA FUTURA and is printed on newspaper paper.
You can download a version here: https://we.tl/t-ocI7GBeEg3
We have more on offer - just get in contact that you are interested and we can send you specific ones.
Photographs by Simon Habegger
Images by Toma
Images by Yasmine Akim
Photos by Hannah Burton