FUGA FUTURA is a force of nature. Livia Rita weaves mystic eco-pop, creatural delight and future-oriented visuals to cast a spell for otherworldly connection.

RElease date: Friday 7th October

Live Show photos - Youtube Channel - Instagram - Bandcamp - Spotify - liv@liviarita.com - +44 7549 245499 / +41 77 259 78 48



The creature Metamorphosis

Each FUGA FUTURA song’s essence is physicalised in a creature. For each of these creatures, Livia Rita has designed and crafted an ArtFashion collection. All of them together form the CREATURE METAMORPHOSIS.

FUGA FUTURA spellbook

The Spellbook contains all the lyrics of the FUGA FUTURA and is printed on newspaper paper.
You can download a version here: https://we.tl/t-ocI7GBeEg3



We have more on offer - just get in contact that you are interested and we can send you specific ones.

Photographs by Simon Habegger

Images by Toma

Images by Yasmine Akim


Photos by Hannah Burton