FUTURA in exhibition
FUTURA is an immersive, multi sensory mythology and interactive exhibition by Livia Rita which searches to explore the potential of new ambitious identities and rituals for the future. Constantly morphing and following the framework of ‘getting ready for the future’, it provides a playful space of endless possibilities.
Merging installation, sound, music, performance, movement practice, sculpture and ArtFashion, Livia Rita and the Avantgardeners Collective create an interdisciplinary occult hybrid space of experimentation - an ecosystem which allows us to imagine utopian and dystopian future scenarios. FUTURA plays with temporalities, considers individual and collective desires and anxieties thriving for innovative approaches to shape and expand future visions.
Solo exhibition at Berlin Art Week with Spoiler ZonE
September 2024, Cank Berlin
Glitches of FUTURA @ Hiltibold St.Gallen
Photos by Marianne Rinderknecht
Creature metamorphosis - Futura @Zentralwäscherei Zürich
September 2023
Photos by
metamorphosis - Futura @Grand palais Bern
March 2024
Photos by Karen Amanda Moser
Vernissage Ritual
Finissage Ritual
Swiss design award 2022
Creature metamorphosis - Futura @Kunsthalle Wil
JUne 2021
Photos by Johann Otten & Laila Kaletta.
Creatures: Bettina, Liv, Méline, Tanita, Olivia, Imani, Evita, Sarah, Mia, Adelina, Helene, Mileva, Namila, Elise, Iljana, Yasmin. Mua: Jasmin Simmen & Sebastiano
FUTURA @Kulturfolger
January 2021
Johann Otten took some photos from outside of the closed Kulturfolger with its growing FUTURA Ökosystem inside. I was still nurturing and exploring the DIABOLICA RAVER - creature incarnation of my first single AGE OF FATALITY.
January 2021
Corona is obliging museums to be closed, so the first item in the exhibition was a sofa bed so at least I could nest for a month in the exhibition and let FUTURA grow and mature day by day. I am sensually focusing on the corporeal and the fluides, on flesh, textures and tissues of the DIABOLICA RAVER, as well as their rituals. The DIABOLICA RAVER creature embodies my first single AGE OF FATALITY which came out a few days ago. Excited to start feeding hungry FUTURA with all my desires and anxieties, you are invited to add yours.
Portraits by Anna Maysuk