What would pleasure sound like in a sustainable future eco system? How would our communities look and feel like? Livia Rita and their gang of creatures birthed a possible answer.
On 8th February, Livia rita will release a music video in which you can Meet our CREATURE COMMUNITY and Livia Rita’s ArtFashion.

FUGA FUTURA is the closing tune from Livia Rita’s freshly released debut album sharing the same name. The complete album is generated as a sensitive transformative journey where each song is brought to life with the different creature – personifying intrinsic emotion and spiritual transfers. Those otherworldly punk creature ‘ArtFashion’ looks designed by Livia themselves are the reimagination of the alter-world, simultaneously storing fascinating reveries but bewildered wonders too. FUGA FUTURA takes the mythological compilation of mystic metamorphosis, healing and fantasy. It resembles that occult non-place where a post-human being gets reborn from the ruins of their fears, raising temples out of their desires.

As our latest video release - FUGA FUTURA is a concluding chant of an immense journey on the search of individualities. In this final spell where Livia’s voice culminates in orphic, mystical sonority - perceived as sensitive, relieving lullaby, as well as the forceful, inspiring manifest, it reverberates around like a call - summoning all the different creatures from previous journeys together and guiding them into the future metamorphosis, yet unseen trans-universe. It is a terminating accord of the album, assembling all these creature-beings together, celebrating the birth of a new creature community.

FUGA FUTURA rings a bell for the reviving change, inviting each and every one to dive into their fantasies, rediscover their true identities, reinvent and reshape their own creatures. It is celebrating each individual brought together as a collective with the shared values. The future gaze goes into as many dystopian fears as utopian dreams… But still, it remains the pure place of lust to build cosmic harmony, reconnecting to the anima of nature and universe. 

FUGA FUTURA - it’s a hunger for love, an anthem for the future. We as creatures construct a nest, where we fertilise our dreams, heal our broken hearts, cross-pollinate our ideas, support each other… We, creatures, unchain our freedom, unashamedly revealing our hyper-sensitive nature, fearlessly follow the movements of our body, it is our altar, our sacred queer dance floor where we ‘wave’ together - manifesting for better future.


About Livia Rita & the Fuga Futura debut album

An emerging avant-pop artist, designer & alpine witch, based somewhere/everywhere/nowhere between London & her native Toggenburg; Livia Rita is finally able to share her debut album FUGA FUTURA…

A collection of 11 songs of beauty & vulnerability that combine to create a world of dark fantasy, hope & mythology; where magic abounds & nature rebels. Livia sings an alternative realm into being. Though the exploration of fear, anxiety, desire, identity, ecology, love & community, Livia awakens the otherworldly within; claiming the future as a space for our utopian dreams to thrive at the edge of existence.

Sirenesque melodies combine with analog synthesisers, crunchy beats & recordings of reality from the natural environment of Livia’s pastoral origin to create the sonic landscape of the album. A coming of age journey, that stretches beyond pop, & delves deeper towards electronica; beginning from the soft cocoon of “Just Happier” reaching its mystical, sanguine conclusion in the title track “Fuga Futura”.

Alongside the creation of the album, Livia has been tirelessly cultivating a reputation for subverting music through her self-made creature ArtFashion as well as tantalising & adventurous live performances which, alongside musicianship; merge collaboration & brave choreography with beautifully self-sculpted wearables that serve to explore the oscillating relationship of gender & nature as we strive for inclusion.

“The future became my safe space. A place where I let my dreams rave in their vulnerability. FUGA FUTURA - which means to sort of flee into FUTURA or the future - it is a reflection of my personal journey to this point, which I wanted to share with you. I think dreaming and real life are two separated entities… and I find that creating or being creative is very much a bridge between the two. Forgetting about time, getting absorbed; body & mind, get carried away. This feels utopian to me to a degree… the world of FUTURA; home of my music, creatures & spells, places a layer upon reality.”

FUGA FUTURA is the gateway between this world and the next. Embrace its shimmering existential haze. Dream big, and delight in all that lies within.

Meet all the creatures



I want to feel you, who we are, here, now, young in old times
Appetite of beating hearts, and passing lives and blinking eyes 
Oh nature seduce, breathe out, I’ll breathe in
Breathe with me, euphoria, euphoria

Climbing mountain peaks so high, that if we’d fall
It will take us more than a lifetime, to hit the ground
It awakens, hyper love, intimate, with meaning
Bodies go where minds can go, to euphoria

Fuga Futura
Fuga Futura

Wondering around vibrating landscapes, goodbye sad eyes
Night and day approach, extract all dreams to give to dancing bodies
New shapes expand, they are grown from our broken hearts
And opened chests, I sense euphoria

Fuga Futura
Fuga Futura
Fuga Futura
Fuga Futura

Photos from the Fuga Futura shoot

By Céline Antal



AE Collective, Ellora Prior


Tamara Tsereteli, Livia Rita, Ellora Prior